
B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering, JNTU, India (2002)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, UIUC (2004)
- M.S. Thesis: "Mechanics of rail car center plate polymer liners and their influence on rail car dynamics"
PhD research on Dynamic and Quasi-static Contact and Scratch analysis of Micro/Nano-scale Thin Solid Films
Expected graduation date: 2009
- Contact mechanics and Dynamics of micro/nanoscale systems
- Operational Shock (Impact damage) in Hard Disk Drive (HDD) systems
- Sliding/Nanoscratch induced damage/wear performace of HDD thin-films
- Tribological phenomena including friction and adhesion at contact interfaces in micro/nanomechanical systems
- Characterization of multi-layered (thin-film) materials
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Katta, R. R.,
Polycarpou, A. A, Hanchi, J. V, and Roy, M., 2009, “Analytical
and Experimental Elastic-plastic Impact Analysis of Magnetic Storage
Head-disk Interfaces,” ASME J. Tribol., 131(1), 011902.
- Katta, R. R.,
Polycarpou, A. A, Hanchi, J. V, and Crone, R. M., 2009, “High
Velocity Oblique Impact and Coefficient of Restitution of Head-disk
Interface Operational Shock,” ASME J. Tribol., 131(2),021903.
- Katta, R. R.,
Escobar, E.N., and Polycarpou, A. A., 2009, “Plane Strain Sliding
Contact Analysis of Multilayer Thin-films by a Rigid Cylinder
using Finite Element Analysis,” Microsyst. Technol., In review
- Katta, R. R.,
Polycarpou, A. A., and Lee, S. C., 2009, “Experimental and FEA
Scratch of Magnetic Storage Thin-film Disks to Correlate Magnetic
Signal Degradation with Permanent Deformation,” ASME J. Tribol., In review
- Yeo, C-D., Katta, R. R.,
and Polycarpou, A. A., 2009, “Improved Elastic Contact Model
Accounting for Asperity and Bulk Substrate
Deformation,” Tribol. Lett., In review
- Escobar, E. N., Yeo, C-D., Katta, R.R.,
and Polycarpou, A.A., 2008, “Effect of Planarization on the
Contact Behavior of Patterned Media”, IEEE Trans. Magn., 44(11), pp. 3667-3670
- Katta, R. R.,
and, Conry, T. F., “A Dynamic Stiffness and Damping Model for
Rail Car Center Plate Polymer Liners,” Proceedings of ASME/IEEE
JRC, Baltimore, 2004, pp. 63-73
Selected Conference Presentations
- Katta, R. R.,
Polycarpou, A. A, and Hanchi, J. V., “Elastic/Plastic Contact
Mechanics-based Analysis of Hard Disk Drive Media damage from
Slider Corner Impacts,” ASME/STLE IJTC, 2007
- Katta, R. R.,
Polycarpou, A. A, Hanchi, J. V. and Crone, R. M.,
“Elastic/Plastic Oblique Impact Analysis for Head Disk Interface
Operational Shock,” ASME/STLE IJTC, 2008