B.S.Mechanical Engineering,
UIUC (2000)
M.S.Mechanical Engineering,
UIUC (2003)
- M.S. Thesis: "Tribological studies on scuffing due to the
influence of CO2 used as a refrigerant in
PhD research on tribological
issues related to automotive compressor surfaces
Expected graduation date: 2006
Tribological studies in automotive compressors
Examining the effect of CO2
and other refrigerants in different material interfaces
Scuffing investigations when CO2
is used as a refrigerant in compressors
Determining the effect of
using different lubricants with CO2 at high
Examining how the surface
topography and material properties relate to the processes leading up
to surface failure in a CO2 environment using
different techniques
Demas, Nicholaos G.,
Andreas A., and Conry, Thomas F., Tribological studies on scuffing due
to the influence of carbon dioxide used as a refrigerant in
compressors, Tribology Transactions, v
48, n 3, 2005, p 336-342
Lee, K.M., Suh, A.Y.;
Demas, N.G.;
Polycarpou, A.A., Surface and sub-micron sub-surface evolution of
Al390-T6 undergoing tribological testing under submerged lubrication
conditions in the presence of CO2 refrigerant,
Tribology Letters, v 18, n 1, 2005, p 1-12
Demas, Nicholaos G.
and Polycarpou, Andreas A., Ultra high pressure tribometer for testing
CO2 refrigerant at chamber pressures up to 2000
psi to simulate compressor conditions, Tribology Transactions,
v 49, n 3, 2006, p 291-296
Demas, Nicholaos G.
and Polycarpou, Andreas A., Tribological investigation of cast iron
air-conditioning compressor surfaces in CO2
refrigerant, Tribology Letters, v 22, n 3, 2006, p
Robles Hernández,
Francisco C., Demas, Nicholaos. G., Davis, Dave
D., Polycarpou, Andreas A., Maal, Luis, Mechanical Properties and Wear
Performance of Premium Rail Steels, Wear, Accepted
Tribological characterization
of aromatic
thermosetting copolyester (ATSP) blends with PTFE in air-conditioning
compressor environment, Demas, Nicholaos. G,
Zhang, Jing., Polycarpou, Andreas A., Economy, James, In
Robles Hernández,
Francisco C., Demas, Nicholaos. G., Polycarpou,
Andreas A., Tribological Performance of Premium Rail Steels,
In preparation