B.S.Mechatronics Engineering (Minor Mathematics),
Sabanci University (2005)
M.S.Applied Mathematics,
UIUC (2008)
Mechanical Joint Modeling
- Eriten,
M. and Yesilyurt, S.
(2005). Optimal distribution of carbon nanotubes in gas sensor
design. 5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, v 1, p
485-488. (Poster).
- Eriten,
M. and Yesilyurt, S.
(2005). Optimal distribution of carbon nanotubes in H2
sensor. 1st International Hydrogen Congress,
Istanbul. (Presented).
- Armagan, E., Eriten,
M. and Goktug, G. (2005). "Otomobil kapi kilit sistemlerindeki
gurultu karakteristiklerinin belirlenmesi (Noise characteristics
of automobile door latch systems)", Endustri&Otomasyon (Industrial
Automation), vol.2005/08, pp. 68-76. (Published).
- Eriten, M. and
Dankowicz, H. (2007). A rigorous dynamical-systems-based analysis
of the self-stabilizing influence of muscles. Proceedings of
the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference, 2007. (Presented).
- Eriten, M. and
Dankowicz, H. (2008). A rigorous dynamical-systems-based analysis
of the self-stabilizing influence of muscles. Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering, ASME. (Ready for publication).