B.S.Mechanical Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (1996)
M.S.Mechanical Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (1998)
Doctorial reseach on
micro/nano-scale contact mechanics
Now employed at Seagate
Technology, MN
A.A. Polycarpou, J.D. Kiely, Y.-T. Hsia,
¡°Nanomechanical Properties of Ultra-thin Carbon Film
Overcoats Using the Nanoindentation Technique¡±, Journal
of Materials Research, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 141-151, 2007.
A.A. Polycarpou,
¡°Improved Elastic Contact Stiffness Model Accounting
Both Asperity and Bulk Substrate Compliance¡±, Journal
of Applied Mechanics, in review, 2007.
A.A. Polycarpou,
¡°A Correction to the Nanoindentation Technique for
Ultra-shallow Indentation Depths¡±, Journal
of Maerials Research, in review, 2007.
K.M. Lee, C.D.Yeo,
and A.A.
Polycarpou, ¡°Nanomechanical Property and Nanowear
Measurements for Sub-10 nm Thick Films in Magnetic
Storage,¡± Experimental Mechanics,
Online available, 2006
K.M.Lee, C.D.Yeo,
and A.A.
Polycarpou, ¡°Mechanical Property Measurements of
Thin Film
Carbon Overcoat on Recording Media towards 1 Tb/in2,¡±
Journal of Applied Physics, 99,
08G906, 2006.