Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering, UIllinois (2012, expected)
- "Nanoscale tribology with application to
magnetic storage"
M.S. in Mechanical
UIllinois (2008)
- "Two-dimensional biomechanical analysis of the
fast strikes of trap-jaw ant mandibles"
B.S. in Mechanical
Engineering, NJIT (2005)
Technician Engineer in Mechanical
Engineering, HTI, Cyprus (2000)
- Formulation, implementation and experimental
validation of a dynamic contact model for the complex interface between
realistic, rough, lubricated nanoscale surfaces through a systems
approach, applied to the head-disk interface in magnetic storage
- Modeling of moleculalry thin lubricant layer
morphology and behavior under shear to predict shear and normal
(bearing) forces during 'lubricant contact,' accounting for viscosity
stiffening and interfacial slip
Peer Reviewed Publications
Vakis, Eriten and Polycarpou
– Modeling bearing and shear forces in molecularly thin lubricants, Tribology Letters, in review
Vakis and Polycarpou
– Head-disk
interface nanotribology for Tbit/in2 recording
densities: near-contact and contact recording, Journal of
Physics D: Applied Physics, 2010, 43(22)
Vakis and Polycarpou
– Optimization
of thermal fly-height control geometry for Tbit/in2 recording,
Microsystem Technologies, 2010, 16(6)
Vakis, Lee and Polycarpou
– Dynamic
Head-Disk Interface Instabilities with Friction for Light (Surfing)
Recording, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2009, 45(11)
Spagna, Vakis et al.
– Phylogeny, scaling, and the generation of extreme forces in
trap-jaw ants, Journal of Experimental Biology,
2008, 211(14)