Welcome to MTDL Homepage!
Microtribodynamics isThe study of tribology (friction, adhesion, wear, and lubrication) and dynamic interaction in miniature systems Who we are
µTDL AnnouncementS4.
Mr. Surya Mishra graduated with his M.S. and took a
position with Intel 3.
Ms. Sujana Chandrasekar graduated with her MS degree and took
a position at GE Global Research, Bangalore, India 2.
Dr. Emerson Escobar Nunez
graduated with his Ph.D. and took a faculty position at Universidad
Autonoma de Occidente, Cali-Valle, Colombia 1. "20 Minutes" interview with Andreas PolycarpouThe May 2007 issue of Tribology &
Lubrication Technology magazine featured an interview with
Andreas Polycarpou. The "20 Minutes" interview provides a closer look
at the associate professor's dedication to his profession, his love for
teaching, and his thoughts on mentoring the next generation of
engineers. |